The Stuart Community Concert Band, Inc. Membership Guide
We are pleased you are joining the Stuart Community Concert Band. The Band has long been an important part of the rich musical culture of The City of Stuart and the Treasure Coast Area of South Florida.
The Band has been in operation since 1915 and provides the opportunity for musicians to enjoy experiencing and performing serious band music at a high quality level.
The Stuart Community Concert Band Constitution and By-Laws, from which this Membership Guide is derived, have proven crucial to the Band’s longevity. Members must continue to observe these guidelines if the Band is to remain vital and active. In the following pages, Band procedures are outlined in what is intended to be clear, understandable language. If any questions occur to you as you read what follows, or at any time during your association with the Band, please do not hesitate to discuss them with the Musical Director/Conductor, any Band officer or Section Coordinator.
The Band’s Organization
The Band is a not-for-profit (501C3) corporation chartered in Florida. The activities of the Band are guided by the Band’s Constitution and By-Laws, which are posted on our website. Website is: www.stuartcommunityconcertband.org We urge you to familiarize yourself with them.
The business of the Band is conducted by its Governing Board which consists of Officers and Board of Directors elected by the membership each year. All Officers, are elected for two-year terms. Board of Directors are elected for three-year staggered terms.
Band Membership
Any person in agreement with the objectives of the Band and willing to fulfill the duties of membership may become a member of the Band. There are no entrance auditions; however, members must demonstrate their musicianship and active interest in the Band by attending an appropriate number of rehearsals. Section Coordinators are expected to be aware of the musical abilities of all section members.
All Band members are expected to participate in rehearsals, vote on Band matters, and are listed in the Band’s membership roll postings. The Board may refer to the Musical Director/Conductor and/or Section Coordinator for guidance.
Band Rehearsals
Rehearsals are held August through June at a time and place determined by the Board. Rehearsals begin promptly. Your attendance at each rehearsal is important. To facilitate efficient rehearsals and if required by the Musical Director, you should notify the Section Coordinator or other designated person in advance (in person or by e-mail or phone) if you know you cannot attend a rehearsal. If you unexpectedly cannot attend a rehearsal, it is crucial that any music taken home for practice be returned to the Band Hall in time for rehearsal. We recognize that occasional circumstances will arise causing either absence or late arrival, but we hope they can be kept to a minimum.
At every rehearsal, the Band strives to improve. During rehearsals, there are times when the Musical Director/Conductor works specifically with one section or a group of the band. During those times, conversation among other members can be distracting for musicians as well as the Musical Director/Conductor. As both a music-rehearsal protocol and common courtesy, such conversation should be avoided. This will go a long way toward achieving the maximum benefit from our limited rehearsal time.
If it becomes necessary to cancel a rehearsal due to inclement weather or for any other reason, an e-mail canceling the rehearsal will be sent to the membership. Section Coordinators should contact section members who do not have email.
Band Engagements
The band is particularly busy during the period between Thanksgiving and Memorial Day. With few exceptions, the schedule of engagements is finalized in the early months of each season. At a minimum, members should arrange to be at the site of engagements at least one hour before the performance starting time. This will enable you to be sure your music is in performance order, your instrument is “warmed up”, and you have time to tune. Instrument and stand cases and other personal belongings should remain outside of the performance area.
All physically-capable members are strongly encouraged to assist with setting up and dismantling the band’s equipment at our performances.
Band Member Responsibilities
Each member is expected to comply with the provisions of this Guide and to cooperate with the Musical Director/Conductor and fellow Band members to rehearse and perform music to the best of the Band’s ability. We all strive to maintain the Band’s long-standing reputation as a high quality concert band. In addition to attending sufficient rehearsals, members are expected to be well prepared to perform all music selected for performance through individual practice.
The Band’s performance attire is “Black Dress Shirt, Black Pants” unless otherwise agreed. No other attire is acceptable. Outdoor Concert attire may be altered to suit weather and/or venue conditions.
Members must maintain (at their own expense) any instruments or equipment which are property of the Band. Members must promptly return all Band music, property, and equipment upon becoming inactive, resigning, or retiring from the Band. Band members who are leaving the area for the summer should return music folders at the last rehearsal or performance before leaving, so we can have your new music ready upon your return.
You are responsible for providing your own music stand at Band engagements. For outdoor performances, it is necessary to have music clips, clothes pins, or other devices to prevent music from flying away during windy conditions. For late evening outdoor concerts, battery-powered stand lights are advisable.
Remember, our audiences expect a top-quality performance. As a member, you are expected to practice your music and to do your part in maintaining a professional appearance and demeanor during engagements.
While the Band is performing, no eating or drinking (except water) is permitted unless severe hot weather dictates. During the intermission(s), you are usually able to find ample food and beverages on the site. The consumption of alcoholic beverages of any kind during any part of an engagement is forbidden.
Other Information
The Band plays a few concerts each year for which admission is charged. These concerts provide vital financial support to the Band. You are expected to do your part by selling tickets and supporting those events. Spouses of band members are expected to purchase tickets for any ticked concerts they attend at the price determined by the Board. Ticket prices will be announced to the band and posted on the website.
You have joined a fine organization that relies on its current members for support. There are always tasks and projects to be accomplished which enable the Band to maintain and expand its ability to provide quality music for the hundreds of people who come to hear us each year. Your participation in helping to complete tasks and projects plus your ideas as to how the Band can continue to improve are eagerly sought. The Musical Director/Conductor and any of the Band officers welcome your input and suggestions.
Finally, we sincerely hope you enjoy your membership in the Stuart Community Concert Band “family”!