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Article I.  Administration of the Band


Section 1. Rehearsals

Band rehearsals shall occur weekly at such time and place as determined by the Board. The Musical Director/Conductor may cancel or reschedule specific rehearsals by notifying the band secretary who shall immediately notify all band members.  Extra rehearsals for special purposes may be scheduled by the Musical Director/Conductor.


Section 2. General Business Meetings

Business meetings of the Band membership shall be held annually at the conclusion of an  agreed upon rehearsal in April.  Business meetings of the Band shall be conducted in general accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.


Section 3. Board Meetings

Regular meetings of the Board shall be held at least quarterly or more frequently as needed.  Additional Board meetings may be called at the discretion of the President, or a majority of the Board of Directors.  Meetings of the Board shall be conducted in general accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.


Section 4.  Quorum at Meetings

A majority of voting members must be present at all Board and membership meetings to constitute a quorum to transact business.


Section 5.  Nomination and Election of Officers

Prior to the elections of officers, these events will take place:

            1.  Four (4) weeks prior to the General Meeting, open positions will be announced.

            2.  Two (2) weeks prior  to the election a slate of nominees will be presented to the band membership.

The election of officers and board members will take place at the agreed upon General Business meeting in April.  Elected Officers shall serve a two year term beginning August 1, following the April General Business Meeting.


Section 6.  Dismissal or Resignation of an Officer or Board Member

Any Officer or Board Member who fails to perform his/her duties shall be required to furnish the Board adequate and sufficient reason for this conduct.  Reasons that fail to satisfy the Board shall result in dismissal from office by majority vote of the Board.  In the event of the resignation of an Officer, or Board Member, all records and band property shall be returned to the Board.  A special election of the Board shall be held as determined by the Board to fill the vacancy until the next General Election. Duties and responsibilities of the vacated position shall be assumed by remaining Officers and Board Members in the interim.


Section 7.  Resignation or Dismissal of a  Band Member

A band member may voluntarily sever his/her active association with the Band or be suspended or dismissed from the Band for cause (see Constitution Article II, Section 3).  A resigned, suspended, or dismissed member shall promptly return, in good condition, all Band property entrusted to him/her.


Section 8.  Alteration and/or Amendment of By-Laws

Alteration or amendment of these By-Laws shall be made by submitting the proposed alteration or amendment in writing at a meeting of the Board.  Approval of changes to these By-Laws requires majority vote of the Board members present during a quorum meeting.  Proxy votes shall not be allowed.


Article II.  Contributions, Dues, and Fees


Section 1.  Member Contributions

Active Members shall pay, if necessary, an annual contribution, as determined by the Board, to provide for the maintenance of the Band.  Guest musicians, as selected by the conductor, will not be expected to pay any contributions/fees.


Section 2.  Student and Military Exemptions

Active Members who are full-time students or active-duty members of the military shall be exempt from member contributions.


Section 3.  Fees

The Board may establish various fees, potentially including but not limited to fees for: performances, advertising, sponsorships, rentals, and sales.



Article III.  Duties of Officers, Musical Director/Conductor, Board of Directors, and Band Members


Section 1.  Duties  of Elected Board Members


  •  Duties of the President

The President presides at all meetings of the Band and Board, prepares and presents the agenda, maintains order, and puts all seconded motions to vote.  The President has the responsibility for the general management of the affairs of the band.  In addition to powers described elsewhere herein, s/he has the power to call special meetings of the Board or Band membership.  The President may transact urgent business in advance of Board or membership approval.  S/he shall make a report of such actions for approval at the next regular Board and membership meeting.  The President shall keep the Vice President informed of all of the management affairs of the band.


B.  Duties of the Vice-President

The Vice-President assists the President in maintaining order and performing other duties as assigned.  In the absence of the President, s/he acts as President of the Band.


 C.  Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary maintains the roll at every Board meeting and records and keeps accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Board and Band meetings.  S/he performs all necessary readings and executes any required correspondence.  In the event of his/her absence from a meeting, s/he makes available the book of minutes to a secretary pro-temp who shall be appointed by the President.  The Secretary maintains a current membership roster.  The Secretary provides each new Band member with a copy of the Membership Guide.  The Secretary maintains and preserves the books, papers, digital files, and other documents pertaining to this office and transfers same to his/her successor before August 1. The Secretary maintains an accurate membership contact list (phone, mail, and e-mail) and distributes communications from the Musical Director and the President to the Band membership and to the Board.


D.  Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer receives and records all money and deposits funds into the appropriate accounts of the Band.  S/he pays all approved bills, completes all required State and Federal Corporation and tax forms  and presents a report at each Board and Band meeting.  The Treasurer also presents a balanced accounting, attested by the Board, at the April Band meeting.  Upon completing his/her term of office, s/he shall transfer and deliver all records and accounts in his/her possession to the successor, clear of all encumbrances by August 1.  The Treasurer’s performance of duties may be audited at any time deemed necessary by the Board.   Financial records will be audited annually by a committee appointed by the President.  This audit shall be presented to the Board prior to the annually required State of Florida reporting.



E. Duties of the Board of  Directors

The Board of Directors are voting members who shall be responsible for helping to develop the administrative policies and activities of the band, and are expected to attend all Board meetings.   Board Members shall serve a three (3) year term on a rotating basis, with one Board Member being elected each year at the General Business Meeting.



Section 2.  Duties of Appointed Non-Voting Positions


 A.  Duties of the Librarian / Assistant Librarian

The Librarian maintains the library of the Band, secures music requested by the Musical Director/Conductor, maintains the performance and rehearsal books, and supervises the distribution and collection of performance books at engagements.

The Assistant Librarian assists the Librarian in his/her duties and assumes the Librarian’s duties in his/her absence.


B.  Duties of the Marketing/Publicity Manager

The Marketing/Publicity Manager creates and implements a publicity plan for band performances by writing and distributing media releases, develops relations with local media, arranges media interviews, coordinates photo sessions, distributes publicity materials/flyers, secures advertising sponsors and maintains collection of all press clippings, programs and photos.  Attends all Board Meetings as a non-voting member.



C.  Duties of the Property/Logistics Manager

The Property/Logistics Manager is responsible for contacting representative of rehearsal hall, for opening and closing of building, arranging group for loading and unloading the trailer at rehearsals and concert sites.  Makes arrangements with band members who have a trailer hitch for transportation of trailer to and from concert sites and back to the rehearsal hall.  Consults with band director for optimal staging of group and carrying out the staging.  Makes sure all music folders in rehearsal hall are transported to performance site.  Acts as the liaison for lighting and sound engineers, where applicable.  Stays in communication with the Board regarding concert needs.



Section 3.  Duties of the Musical Director/Conductor

The Musical Director/Conductor has complete control of the membership at all rehearsals and engagements, selects personnel for all engagements, and programs music for performances.


Section 4.  Duties of the Assistant Musical Director/Conductor

The Assistant Musical Director/Conductor assists the Musical Director/Conductor when necessary, and in the absence of the Musical Director/Conductor, assumes his/her duties.


Section 5.  Duties of the Band Members

The duty of each band member is to comply with the provisions of the Band Membership Guide.  Band members have a duty to cooperate with the Musical Director/Conductor and fellow Band members to rehearse and perform music to the best of their ability by attending sufficient rehearsals and through individual practice and to attain a high quality performance of the selected music. Members have a duty to contact the Section Coordinator if unable to attend a  rehearsal or performance. Members also have a duty to pay dues and contributions as determined by the Board in a timely manner and to keep clean and in good repair (at his/her own expense) any uniforms or property of the Band.   Members have a duty to promptly return Band uniforms (and other Band property) clean and in good condition upon becoming inactive, resigning, or retiring from the Band.


Section 6. Duties of Section Coordinators

At the beginning of each season, the Section Coordinators will be selected by section members.  The Section Coordinator shall have a comprehensive list of all section members, to include:  name, address/addresses, phone numbers, email, occupation, instrument and seasonable availability.  The Section Coordinator shall take attendance at each rehearsal and performances and inform the director in advance of any known absences from performances.  The Section Coordinator shall also help collect any and all dues and give to the Treasurer



Article IV.  Membership


Section 1.  Application Procedures

A musician wishing to become a member of the Band must demonstrate a commitment to the Band by regularly attending rehearsals.


Section 2.  Active Members

An Active Member is a musician who pays annual dues in a timely manner and regularly participates in the Band’s rehearsals, activities, and performances.  Active members may vote on Band matters at the General Business Meeting.  Active members may be listed in the Band’s programs, Membership Directory, and  website. 



Article V.  Nurturing and Promoting Band Music in America


Section 1.  Relationships, Contracts, Projects, and Initiatives

With the approval and guidance of the President and the Board, the Band may undertake relationships, contracts, projects, and initiatives to nurture and promote band music in America (See Constitution, Article I, Section 2).


Article VI.  Dissolution


Section 1.  Requirement for Dissolution

The Band shall not be dissolved as long as 20 Active Members desire to continue the organization.


Section 2.  Disposition of Assets Upon Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the Band, the Board shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all the assets of the organization exclusively for the purposes of the organization in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501C3 of the Internal Revenue Code of the 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board shall determine.  Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.






Adopted:   11/2012

Revised/Approved: 03/07/16 

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